2Examples Of Writing (N°2)

The Drawbacks of Cheating in The exams
مساوئ الخش في الامتحانات

heating in the exam is a bad behavior that destroys the reputation of students. So, what are the disadvantages of cheating?
First, to cheat during exams can create unproductive and weak students because those students who cheat are lazy and they don’t own a strong personality to impose themselves in the class and in their community as well. Thus, cheating is an obstacle to have a well-educated citizen. Secondly, cheating makes students more passive and unable to think or to do efforts in their studies to prepare for the exams. Hence, those lazy students who cheat in the exams can produce a weak generation that can’t face the difficulties of life.
To sum up, personally I guess that mass media, parents and educators should work collectively to eradicate this complex issue because cheating is an obstacle to realize more achievements in most areas    


Road accidents – causes and effects

أسباب ونتائج حوادث السير
     Road accidents, which are on raise these days, can be the most complicated issue. So, what are the main causes and effects of this problem?
     To begin with, carelessness is one of the major causes of the road accidents in our planet. Under carelessness, we have various examples, which include, using the mobile phone while driving. Next, most of the people drove after drinking alcohol, which may lead to dangerous road accidents.
      Secondly, concerning the effects of road accidents, they have left many injuries to the physical and mental health of humans because thousands of people are losing their lives and some families lose their loved ones in addition to the high rate of handicap.
       To sum up, in our world there are many causes of the road accident, but with good strategies and with the participation of the both government and individual; we can easily overcome with this potential problem.          

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