2Examples Of Writing (N°3)

              The Phenomenon  Of  Homelessness
ظاهرة التشرد - الأسباب و الحلول

      Homelessness is the state of being without home due to several causes. This trouble becomes more complicated to solve. So, what are the causes of this Phenomenon and the solutions to eradicate it 
         Firstly, there are many causes that lead to homelessness such as divorce because when the parents separate, their children don’t find who can take care of them. Hence, those children leave home towards street. Then, poverty is also another cause since the lack of financial support pushes most children to withdraw from school and become homeless children. Secondly, in order to reduce the negative consequences of Homelessness, parents should be more aware about this problem as well as sensitizing their children about the risks of Homelessness. Moreover, mass media also ought to do some programs that discus this complex problem.
          To sum up, as far as I’m concerned the government and the private sector should think logically to eradicate this hazardous trouble.   



Advertising, which is the Best way to inform people about New products, plays an essential role in the market information.
First, Advertising allows us to own information in a Quick way thanks to new technological inventions such as internet. Fortunately, the consumer benefits from Advertising as well since ads permits the public to buy intelligently. Secondly, Advertising is also considered as bridge to discover New information that have relation with our daily lives ; for instance, when we drive, we see rood sings or billboards proclaiming thé qualities of products or the location of restaurants or hotels.

To sum up, I strongly believe that life isn’t worth living without Advertising

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